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- About Us
Bid Management
Delivering competitive bid responses that stand out.
Bid Management
We can help you with the full range of bid management tasks, from the initial capture of the opportunity, through to the development of win themes, development of a bid plan and management of bid delivery.
Our experts can coach your bid team and also assist with the bid writing itself.
Bid Reviews
We can undertake an independent review of you mature proposal to make sure it is compliant and provides a compelling argument.
We will use our expertise to ensure that it is easy to review and score and gets the reader engaged from the first page.
Social Value
With social value questions accounting for 10% of public sector contracts, ensuring you can prove that you are creating a positive impact on your workers, community and environment is more important than ever.
We can help your submit competitive social value responses that stand out.
Tender Assessments
We can help you develop your tender scoring approach and tender documentation and to make sure you get high quality responses and the solution you organisation needs.
We can also provide independent tender evaluation to provide a different perspective and increased credibility to your tender selection.
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Who We Work With
See what sectors we can provide bid services for, from public sector tenders to grants for start-ups.
Meet Charles
One of our Directors Charles, has a proven track record of delivering many winning large scale bids over many sectors.
Social Value Bids
Take a look at our recent LinkedIn post to see how integrating social value can help your SME to win bids.
Contact Us
If you are interested in working with us or finding out more about our company and the services we offer, contact us.
Desklodge House, 2 Redcliffe Way